The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination conducted the examination of Chemistry on Friday. The examination was held on March 23, 2019, from 11:00 am. The examination of Chemistry Science Paper-2 was conducted for 2 hours. The students who appeared for the exam said that the question paper was simple. The students came out of the examination centres with happy faces.
The question paper was not long and all the questions were asked from NCERT syllabus. As per some students, the timing for the examination was enough and they were able to complete the whole question paper half an hour before the leaving time. Some students also said that they got enough time to revise the whole answer sheet twice.
Some of the questions were also asked from the previous years’ question paper. So, the students of CISCE Board who had solved the last years’ question papers had the benefit. When the students were asked about the difficulty level of the question papers then they said that it was simple to moderate. Some said that the paper was easy. However, for some of them, it was a bit tricky. The MCQ's were difficult because it required reasoning. The same had happened in the Physics examination. The optional questions were asked with a lot of options.
The 12th Class students appeared for their Geography examination on the same date. It was on the same date. The students of 12th Class were also happy with their question paper. All the questions were asked from the books. The questions were straightforward and no such question was out from the syllabus. As per some students, the difficulty level was the same as the last year’s question paper.
Last year, the result was announced on May 14, 2018. So, this year, the CISCE Result 2019 is expected to be published in the second week of May 2019. The students will get the result online on the FastResult website. The result link will be available there. The students will have to submit 7 digit UID number, index number, and solve the captcha to find the result.
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