Students Got the Easiest Chemistry Question Paper in ISC Board Exam 2019

By: FastResult

Updated on: March 3, 2019 | 12:44 am, March 3, 2019 | 12:25 am

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations conducted the examination of 12th class Chemistry on Friday i.e. on March 01, 2019. According to the students, the paper was quite easy. The students were happy with the questions. It is meant that this is the easiest question paper in the past 14 years. As per the students, There were no tricky questions in the examination. The previous year, the numerical questions use to be asked indirectly. However, this year, the numerical was asked straight. The questions were asked as it is now in the syllabus. According to the board, the weightage of marks which is defined in the syllabus for a particular topic, the questions came as per the specific weightage. However, there were some questions from the NCERT books.


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Last year, the board made some changes in the examination pattern. In the question paper, they had raised the number of choices. In the current paper, there was a very hard question but as the choice, the ISC board asked a question from the reasoning part. So, it became easy for the candidates to attempt. Also, the questions of equation balancing were easy.


There was also the mistake in the question paper. The question number was 9. In the question, there was printed oxetic acid at the place of acetic acid. At two places in the question, acetic acid was at one side and on the other side, there was oxetic acid. When the misprint was known then the teachers reviewed it and also they informed the other schools.


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