West Bengal HS Admit Card 2019 has been published. All the registered candidates going to appear for HS exams can now get their admit card from their respective schools. All the schools are hereby notified to collect the admit cards and the registration certificates from their selected centres. So, to collect your West Bengal HS Admit Card 2019 contact your respective school authority. The WB board has issued the admit card notification in the academic circular which is available on its website wbchse.nic.in. In this article, we have decided to provide you with complete information. So read the article to get the information.
How to Obtain West Bengal HS Admit Card 2019?
Candidates usually face difficulty in downloading the admit card, however, the schools give the admit card. But in some situations students have to access they are admitting cards on their own so, for those students, we have provided below the steps. They can follow the provided steps and get their admit card.
- Firstly, contact your respective school authority to obtain your Admit Card.
- After this get your admit card.
- Once you get your admit card check all the details on your admit card.
- Your admit card will be scanned on the day of the exam. So, if there is any mistake on your admit card contact your respective examination authority as soon as possible.
- Don't forget to carry your admit card on the day of the exam.
- Without admit card, you will not be allowed to seem for the exams.
Contents Available on WB HS Admit Card 2019
Through this part, students can understand the details of the admit card which are important to note. This information should be correct as admit card is an approval identification which is followed in the examination hall. So, candidates can view the list of the details given below.
- Student's Name
- Registration Number
- Roll Number
- Father’s Name
- Mother’s Name
- Photograph
- School Code
- School Name
- Centre Code
- Centre Name
- Name of the Board
- Examination Schedule
- Name of the Examination
Check Here: WB Madhyamik Result 2019 | WB HS Result 2019
Important Points for Examinations
Candidates who will be appearing this session for the exams will be afraid and worried about examinations. So, we have given some key points so that the candidates don't commit any stupid mistake and lose their marks.
- Students should remember to carry their admit cards. They will not be allowed to sit in the examinations if they forget to carry the hall ticket.
- They should take their stationery box and bottle in the examination hall to help them in an emergency.
- Candidates must ensure that they don't carry any banned items like electronic gadgets and extra paper in the examination hall.
- Reach the exam centre before time i.e. 15 to 20 minutes quicker to adapt to the environment.
- Hope you all achieved all the information regarding West Bengal HS Admit Card 2019.
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