CBSE 12th Sociology Paper 2019 - Students & Teachers Feedback

By: FastResult

Updated on: March 12, 2019 | 5:45 pm, March 12, 2019 | 5:45 pm

Central Board of Secondary Education has conducted the 12th Class Sociology Board Examination 2019 on March 11, 2019. The exam was conducted from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm and 1-hour additional were provided for the PWD students. The exam for most of the students is now complete and the first reactions are here. As per the students who appeared in the examination, the paper was easy and expected.


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Speaking on the length of the exam a student commented that it was not too lengthy and that she was able to complete the paper on time. Other students agreed as well. Some four mark questions were reportedly lengthier and took longer time. as per students, the question was tricky and there was difficulty in some of the respondents.


Authorities who browsed through the question paper called it a balanced paper. This year, the number of internal choices in the questions paper was increased. A specialist pointed out that the choices, especially in the 6 mark questions were enough and would ensure that almost all the students would have attempted the long answer questions. A few of the two marks questions were tricky but expectedly so. Overall there was no report of misprints of any out of syllabus questions. Detailed analysis is awaited at the point but the first reaction is that the question paper was easy.


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